Q: - What is Computer?
Ans: - The ‘Computer’ is a high-speed electronic device that is capable
to accept the data as an input, processes it and gives a result step-by-step.
[कंप्यूटर एक तीव्र गति वाली विद्युतीय यन्त्र है जो डाटा
को इनपुट के रूप में ग्रहण करता है, उस पर प्रतिक्रिया करता है और एक क्रमबद्ध परिणाम देता
है उसे कंप्यूटर या हिंदी में संगणक मशीन कहा जाता है .] or
Abbreviated Common meaning of Computer
1. Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research
2. Computer: - C stands for
calculation, O stands for operating, M stands for
memorizing, P stands for printing, U stands for updating,
T stands for tabulating, E stands for editing
and R stands for responding or giving an appropriate result.
Details about the mentioned words in definition
Calculation (गणना): - A Computer can perform all types of arithmetical and
logical calculations.
Operating (चलाना) – A computer can operate all types of operations or
activities either calculation related or logical related.
Note: -
Operators: - A computer operators are used for performing all
types of calculations. Such as: - * (Asterisks - Multiply), +, -, /, %, &,
= etc., These are operators. But, on the base of its category the following
types of operators are used for various purposes –
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Reference Operators
Text Operators and
Logical Operators.
Examples: - 25 + 5 = 30 – In this
‘+’ and ‘=’ are operators. 3 + 2 – 8/2 * 3
= ? – [+, - , /, * /]
Memorizing (स्मृति
में रखना): - A Computer can memorize everything done on
computer. It’s memory works in two ways – As a Primary Memory and Secondary
Primary Memory: - It is used to store the data temporarily. In it,
RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory).
Secondary Memory: - It is used to store the data permanently. For
permanently storing the data we use the following devices – Hard Disk Drive,
Pen Drive, CD (Compact Disk), DVD (Digital Video Disk) or other various
magnetic drives.
Print (छपाई
करना ): - We can have a
print of our work on computer easily on any paper.
Update (नया बनाना) : - We can
update any old thing on our computer.
Tabulation (सारणी बद्ध करना): - On Computer we can use our data in tabular form.
Edit (संपादन करना ) :- On computer easily we can edit anything on computer.
Response/Result (जबाब देना या परिणाम देना ): - A computer gives a result as per the give data
for access. The result or response is also known as Information.
Function of a Computer
There are
three functions of a computer –
Input – Input means accepting the data.
Process/Processing – Giving a reaction upon data.
Output – Analyzed data is known as output, result or
Examples: -
INDIA – I, N, D, I, A
- India
Data: - Data are the raw materials of information. It may
be any character, words, text, image or anything.
Information – The analyzed output or result is called the
Examples: - Tea-leaf,
Milk, Sugar, Water etc, (Data) ----It will be processing through any
stove (Processing) and lastly, we get – Tea (Output, Result or
How to switch on the computer?
Hints: -
Check your electric connection and switch it on – Check your UPS
(Uninterrupted Power Supply) and switch it on if it is connected to the
electricity - Now, switch on your
computer – Your computer starts but directly it is not opened, it takes some
times, therefore wait for a while – When it opens, it will halt on ‘Log On
window’ if it is password protected – Here, type your user id and password and
Press – Enter/Click on ‘OK’ button – Now, your computer is opened and you are
on the desktop screen, from here you can start your desirable work.
Booting Process: - When we start the computer system it
does not start quickly and it takes time to be started, this process is called
the ‘Booting Process’. In the booting process the computer operating
system (OS) arranges all the loaded system and application software as well as
it manages and controls the connected hardware, too. The booting process is
fully depended upon the capabilities of the speed computer system.
Log on/Log in: - After finishing the booting process
there is halt of screen where we get ‘User’ and ‘Password’ dialog box, this is
called the ‘Log on/ Log in Window.
Window Screen/Desktop Screen: - After passing the user and password
the scree appears before our sight where some icons, star menu, task bar, time
etc, are visible, this screen is known as ‘Window Screen or Desktop Screen’.
Practical on Computer
Refresh: - ‘Refresh’ is the first practical
activity on the computer desktop screen. By refreshing the computer screen, we
make ready to work the computer smoothly.
How to refresh the computer desktop
Generally, there are two ways to refresh
the computer –
By using Clicking option – Steps: - Right Click on the blank area
of the desktop screen and click (Left Click) – on ‘Refresh’.
By using F5 functional button – Steps: - Click on the blank area of the
desktop screen and press – F5 multiple times.
Typing (टंकण कला)
The process of writing through any digital or
mechanical keyboard using the typing rule, is called the ‘Typing’.
Note: -
For doing the typing work we have to follow
some specific rules.
first lesson – ‘a s d f g /
h j k l ;’ is called the Home Lesson.
During typing we have to place our fingers curving on these keys and as per the
rules we have to press separately for all the keys available on the keyboard.
3. Generally, when we type without using the shift button, small letters
are typed. But, pressing the ‘Shift Button’ we capitalize any letter. Remember,
‘Shift’ buttons are used with the little finger the opposite hand.
4. During normal typing work ‘Caps
Lock’ button is not used.
The ‘Caps Lock’ button is used for special
document that contains maximum letters in capital.
Keyboard Layout
Lesson -1
A |
S |
D |
F |
G |
a |
s |
d |
f |
g |
H |
J |
K |
L |
: |
h |
j |
k |
l |
; |
Lesson -2
Q |
W |
E |
R |
T |
q |
w |
e |
r |
t |
Y |
U |
I |
O |
P |
y |
u |
i |
o |
p |
Lesson -3
Z |
X |
C |
V |
B |
z |
x |
c |
v |
b |
N |
M |
< |
> |
? |
n |
m |
, |
. |
/ |
Keyboard: - Keyboard is an input device
that allows us to enter the data through typing. Generally, there are 104 to
106 or more than it.
Buttons or Keys of Keyboard
Esc (Esc Button): - It is used for various
purposes in various applications. Generally, it used to escape the unwanted
dialog box or anything on the screen. As another example in Tally Accounting,
it is used to come back from any voucher screen or any ledger or group screen.
There are some fixed buttons or keys on
which we find – F1 to 12, these keys are called Functional Keys. These keys are
use used for special purposes or for various works in various applications.
Shift Button/Key: - for This key is used
for various purposes as – Capitalizing the letter during typing, used selecting
the multiple items or used with another key as a special function in special
program or application. There are two shift keys on computer keyboard – one
shift is place in left side and another is place right side.
Space Bar – This is the longest key on the
computer keyboard. It is used to leave the common gape during the typing work.
Ctrl (Control) and Alt – These two keys
are the special keys which are used for various commands or functions in various
application for various purposes.
Tab Key – This key is used in two ways –
o Leaving the long and fixed gape among the words.
o Used for special function or commands included with other keys.
Backspace – It is used to move the cursor
point backward and it is also used for deleting the unwanted text or character
backward of the cursor point.
Numeric Keys (Nums Lock): - These keys are
used for accounting or calculation purposes. Remember, by pressing the ‘Nums
Lock’ button we make it enable or disable. In numeric pad there are the keys
for numbers as well as the keys for arithmetic calculations.
Note: -
o (-) – It is used for subtraction or dash.
o (+) – It is used for adding work.
o (/) – This is used for division work.
o (* asterisks) – It is used for multiplication.
Navigation Keys: - There are four
navigation keys – Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow and Down.
Special Keys: - There are lots of special
keys on the keyboard which are very necessary to be known.
Home Key: - Home Key is used for various
purposes in various application but normally, it is used to jump from last to
the beginning. It can be combination with other keys and work as function.
End Key: - End key is used same as we use
the Home but it is used for ending purposes.
Page Up/Page Down: - It is used to scroll
the page up and down.
Insert: - It is used to insert the text
upon the typed character. Generally, this button is not used openly for common
action. It is used during coding or other important purpose in special
application or program.
Print SysRQ (Print Screen):- It is used to
have a snapshot of any open screen and we paste anywhere on windows based
program where we use (Ctrl + V).
Note: -
How to type some special Characters: -
: (Colon) – Shift + Right Little Finger
; (Semi-Colon) – Use - Right Little Finger
/ (Slash/Forward Slash) -Use- Right Little
\ (Backslash) – Use - Right Little Finger
( - Left/Open Parenthesis/Small Left
Bracket) – Shift + 9
) – Right/Close Parenthesis/Small Right
Bracket) – Shift + 0
~ - Tilde – It is used to denote an
approximate figure.
^ - Caret – It is used for mathematical
@ - At the rate sign – It is commonly used
for e-mails – Shift + 2
# - Hash Sign – Shift + 3
$ - Dollar Sign – Shift + 4
% - Percent Sign – Shift + 5
& - Ampersand – Shift + 7
* - Astrisk
Software Concept
Instruction: - (अनुदेश) – The systematic, organized and predefined orders is to be called the
Note: -
Order – Order is not defined but it occurs without any
Program – A set of instructions which is used for performing
a special task or function, is to be called a program.
Software – A set of programs which is used for performing a
special modified task can be called the Software.
Types of Software
Generally, there are two types of Software –
a. System Software and
b. Application Software.
System Software: - The system softwares are the basic need of the
computer. The system software tells the computer how to run. There are also two
types of system softwares: -
Language Softwares: - The language softwares which are used for coding
purpose for generating a new program, are called language softwares. Such as: -
C, C++, JAVA (Core Java and Advance Java), Basic, Q Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN, HTML
(Hyper Text Mark-up Language), DHTML (Dynamic Hyper Text Mark-up Language), SQL
(Structured Query Language), Oracle, FoxPro etc.
Operating System (OS): - An operating system works like an interpreter. It
converts the machine language into the user’s language what the user
understands during the operating the computer. For examples: - Windows 98, Win
XP, Win Vista, Win7, Win 8/8.1, Win 10 etc.
Software: - The softwares which are the need of users
for their convenience. There are two types of application softwares: -
Application Softwares: - The softwares which are not automatically
loaded on computer. For this, we have to load them through external resources
known as application softwares. MS-Office, Page Maker, Photoshop, Tally, Fact,
CorelDraw, Illustrator, Beltech Card Designing etc.
Application Softwares: -The softwares which are used for internet
browsing are called internet application softwares. Such: - Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, UCBrowser, Netscape, Google Chrome etc.
Introduction of Computer Hardware
Hardware: - The physical components attached to
the computer system are known as the hardware of computer. There are three
units of computer hardware: -
Input Device: - The devices of computer which are
used to insert the data inside the computer are known as input devices. These
devices are as follows: - Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Microphone etc.
Output Devices: - The devices which are used to get the
result for getting display are known as output devices. Such as: - Monitor
(Mono Monitor – Black & White, CRT Monitor – Color Monitor, TFT- Thin Film
Transistor, LCD - Liquid-Crystal Display, LED - Light-emitting diode. These all
the display units are called VDU – Visual Display Unit), Printer (It is used
for getting the print. Dot Matrix, Daisy wheel printer, Inkjet Printer, Laser
Printer) etc.
Note: - These devices are output
devices: -
Monitor (LED,
LCD, CRT etc)
Printers (all
LCD Projection Panels.
Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
c. Processing Devices: - The devices which are used for processing work and
controlling the computer. Such as: - Motherboard (Motherboard is the main board
of which all the necessary components have been connected.), CPU (Central
Processing Unit – It looks like a chip which is fitted to the motherboard and
works as the brain of computer.), RAM (Random Access Memory), ROM (Read Only
Memory). RAM and ROM both are used as primary memory. Hard Disk (This gives the
computer for storing the large data inside it). Hard Disk is used as secondary
storage devices means we can store the data permanently.
Complete list of devices
Input Devices
Graphics Tablets
Video Capture Hardware
Barcode Reader
Digital camera
MIDI keyboard
(pointing device)
Pen Input
Printers (all types)
LCD Projection Panels
Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
Other hardware of the computers
T V tuner: - It is used for TV connection. It is of two
types: -
Internal TV Tuner
b. External TV Tuner.
Video Mixing Card: - It is used for video editing.
Graphic Card: - Graphics card requires when we used
video games, video mixing or advance graphical image on the screen.
Web Camera: - Web Camera is used for video call,
video chat or video conferencing. Now-a-days all the laptops contain web cameras
but in desktop pc we have to attach it as an additional device.
SMPS: - (Switch Mode Power Supply): - It is used in system
to supply the electric power to all its connected components.
UPS: - (Uninterrupted Power Supply): - It gives the
continuous power supply to the computer system without any interruption.
Pen Drive: - It is used as secondary portable
storage device. It is very tiny and comfortable to carry anywhere for external
use. This time it used from 2 GB to 256 Gb or more than it.
Bluetooth: - Bluetooth is used to establish the
connectivity to any mobile, keyboard, Bluetooth speaker or other important
devices. It is used as wireless connectivity. Generally, there are two types of
Bluetooth – Internal and External.
Computer’s Mechanism (कंप्यूटर का तंत्र)
Features or Characteristics of a computer:-
The following facts are the features of a
computer: -
1. High Speed
2. High Storage Capacity
3. Accuracy
4. Versatility
5. Automation
6. Diligence
1 Byte = 8 Bits or 1 Character ……..
1 Kilo Byte (KB) = 1024 Bytes
1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 Kilo Bytes
1 Giga Byte = 1024 Mega Bytes
1 Tera Byte = 1024 Giga Bytes
Units of a Computer
Generally, as we know that computers are
made of mainly three types of components. These components have been divided
into three units:-
Unit: - Those devices/components of computer which are used to enter the data
inside the computer system are known as Input Unit. These are: - Keyboard,
Mouse, Magnetic Card, Card Reader etc.
Unit:- Under the system unit those components of computers are counted which
control the whole computer system. In this unit the following components are
connected:- CPU (Central Processing Unit)/Microprocessor, Motherboard, Memory
etc. It has also three units:-
CPU (Central Processing Unit)/Microprocessor is known as the brain
of computer. It controls the whole computer. It has also three units:-
1. Control Unit:- This unit controls and
directs the whole component connected with the computer. It helps the data
2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU):- In
this unit mathematical and logical operations are controlled by the computer
system. In arithmetical operation mathematical works are done and in logical
operation logical form of works are done.
3. Memory Unit :- In memory unit those
components are mentioned which are connected with the memories of computers
such as:- RAM (Random Access Memory), Rom (Read Only Memory) or other parts of
computer’s memory.
Note : -
is also known as storage device which is used to store the data inside the
computer. There are categorized in two parts – Primary Memory and Secondary
Primary Storage Devices/Primary
Memory:- Devices
which are used to store the data or information temporarily, are known as
primary storage devices or primary memory. It has two kinds:-
ROM:- Read Only Memory
PROM:- Programmable Read Only Memory
EPROM:- Erasable Programmable Read Only
EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory.
RAM:- Random Access Memory
D-RAM:- Dynamic Random Access Memory
Static RAM
F-RAM:- Ferromagnetic RAM
Secondary Memory/Secondary Storage Devices:-
The devices which are used to store the data permanently are known as secondary
memory or secondary storage devices. Such As:- Hard Disk, CD, DVD, Floppy, Zip,
Magnetic Tape, Pen Drive etc. Among these secondary devices hard disk is the
main component of a computer system. It is used to store the tremendous data
for further use.
C. Output Unit: - Those components which are
used to get the final result or output or see its display are output units.
Such as: - Monitor (Monitor is also called VDU (Visual Display Unit)), Printer
History of Computers
are the most important part of our life. Now-a-days, without computers we
cannot do any work in this science era properly. Now, everywhere we have to
face with the computers. But, knowing the details of computers first of all, it
is necessary to be acquainted with the history of this popular machine. If we
turn out the pages of its history, we find that this was developed in China in
3000 B C for the first time. The first computer’s name was ABACUS. It was the
first device to introduce the concept of data storage. This machine is used
even today some of the countries. ABACUS is a clay board with number of beads
that are placed on rods or wires. The next calculating device logarithm was
invented by John Napier in 1550-1617. The use of logarithm enabled him to
transform multiplication and division, problems of addition and subtraction.
The word logarithm is a combination of Greek words, Loges and arithms. Loges
represent the meaning – Ratio and
Arithms represents the meaning – Numbers. When this machine was invented John
Napier had no idea of its base. Therefore, a dominant professor of Gresham
College, London, name Hurry Briggs invented its base. After this invention the
mathematics calculation became very easy. The base of it was invented in the
year of 1624.Thereafter; in 1642 a great scientist Blaise Pascal invented the
first Mechanical Adding Machine. This was a great invention to the mathematics
for division and multiplication. A great textile businessman and scientist
Joseph Jacquard invented an Automated Loom in 1804. This loom was very useful
for the complicated textile designs. This was the first machine in that
programming code was used. This code was written in binary code.
But the
Computers widely started in use when Charles Babbage invented his “Differential
Engine” in 1822 and “Analytical Engine” in 1833. These computers became the
most significant inventions in the area of computer science. It is also known
as the milestone for the computer. Since, Charles Babbage was the first man who
introduced us with digital technology, that is why, Charles Babbage is known as
the father of modern digital computers. In 1886, Hollerith established his own
company called Tabulating Machine Company (TMC). The same company is today
of the Computers
appeared after 1940 were classified into five generations, on the basis of
technology used.
GENERATION (1946-1955)
The most
popular computer of this generation was ENIAC. The full form of ENIAC is
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. John Presper Eckert and John W.
Mauchley developed ENIAC at the University Pennsylvania. The main component
that was used in this generation was vacuum tube; it was invented by American
Physicist Lee Forest in 1906.
The computer of this generation
was very heavy and complicated. In this computer about 18000 vacuum tubes were
used. Its weight was about 35 to 55 tons. First generation computer generated
too much heat. Hence, it consumed a lot of electricity means it required as
this time a town requires. Its size was very large and in keeping this computer
we required high maintenance. In this generation the computer programming language
was in binary digits 0 and 1, which have special meaning that can be understood
by the computer. It was very difficult and complicated to write programs in
machine language. Only, a scientist can
operate such computer.
Example of binary
digit in mathematics: -
2 |
121 |
1 |
2 |
60 |
0 |
2 |
30 |
0 |
2 |
15 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
= 1111001Ans.
GENERATION (1955-1965)
This generation of
computers started from the year of 1955 up to the year of 1965. The major
development that started the second generation was the invention of transistor.
John Burden, Walter H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley invented transistor in
1946 in the Bell telephones laboratories. Vacuum tubes were completely replaced
by transistors. One transistor was equal to 200 vacuum tubes. Now, it became
something compact, and it required less heat and power. In this generation of
computers FORTRAN AND COBOL language started using which was easier than
machine language.
GENERATION (1965-1975)
The third generation
of computers started from the year of 1965 up to the year of 1975. In this
generation, we find that transistors started replacing and IC came in use. IC
is also an electronic component, which full form is integrated circuit. Jack
Kilby invented IC in the year of 1960.
The computer of third generation was relatively low cost and small size.
In this generation of computer had the technique of multi programming and had
efficient operating system. In this generation BASIC language was used which
was very easy to learn. IC is made of Metal-oxide Semiconductor technology. IC
made the computers of this generation 10,000 faster than the computers of first
GENERATION (1975-1985)
The computers
of fourth generation started in the year of 1975 and existed up to 1985.
Although, such computers are used even now, somewhere or the other. In the
generation of these computers’ ICs were starting to replace and in the place of
them microprocessors started coming in use. A microprocessor chip that is very
small and contains an entire Central Processing Unit on a motherboard and, is
very easy to fit and very fast in comparison of transistors and ICs. In this
generation LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very Large-Scale
Integration) technologies started in use. The main features of these
computers, of which sizes were reduced, price came down and speed became very
faster and faster than the computers of previous generations. Now, a common
person could buy such computers and easily operated them. CPU is also
known as the brain of computer. It works as our mind works for our body. The
full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.
GENERATION (1985-Till Now)
The computers
of this generation are based on artificial intelligence. These computers are
the great boons for the computer science. In this generation VLSI technology
was replaced and ULSI (Ultra Large-Scale Integration) are in use. The sizes of
these computers are much reduced, and price is very less. Now, such computers
are used on our laps and some of them are used on our palms. These computers
are used for general and special purposes. Features of these computers are: -
It has
tremendous speed, it has high storage capacity, very low in price, its size is
very compact, on these computers we can easily surf the Internet and we do
anything as per our wish etc. In this generation, we can easily work with all types
of high-level programming languages like – C, C++, JAVA, Visual Basic and so
on. The main feature of these computers is fully based on AI (Artificial
Intelligence) which perform as the human bodies. In AI technology the following
things are included as –
· Robotic
· High-level
Gaming Support,
· Development
of expert system and real-time solutions,
· Great
Support of aeronautical inventions and
· The
vast expand of internet world etc.
Classification Of Computers:-
Based on above generations
computers can be classified in three categories:
(a.) Digital
(b.) Analogue
Hybrid Computers
(a.) Digital Computers
Computers are based on digital technology. These computers convert the
data into digits and then count the number that represents letters or other
special symbols. Mostly these computers are used for business and scientific
Digital Computers
have four kinds:-
1. Micro Computers: -
Micro Computers are also called personal computers. It is a single user
computer means a single person can work at a time. These computers are very
popular in the market due to the low price. Generally, these computers are used
in the office or at home they all are micro/personal computers. Micro Computers
have two categories -
Desktop Computers – The computers which
are operated putting their different hardware on the desk of or table are known
as the Desktop Computers. They have separated hardware.
b. Portable Computers
Laptop Computers
Mini Laptop
Palmtop Computers
Tablet Computers
2. Minicomputers: - Computers,
which are joined with a server and work as clients, are minicomputers. These
computers are used in networking for a surrounded area. Some electronic machine
like – Ultra-sound machine, X-ray machine etc. are also known as mini-computers
but they have no connection to the server and to the clients.
Hints: -
Networking: -
To join some computers with a server is called networking.
Server: -
Server is the main computer of the client computers where all the data are
stored done on clients.
Clients: -
Clients Computers are those computers of which data are stored on a server or
the computers which are joined with a certain server are known as clients.
LAN: -
Local Area Network
WAN: -
Wide Area Network
WWW: -
World Web Wide
3. Mainframe Computers: - When some
clients computers have different servers, but they have one main server are
known as mainframe computers. A mainframe computer system that is generally
powerful than a typical other system. Mainframe computers are used to form a
large organization or wide purpose. These computers are also multi-users. More
than two hundred people work at a time on mainframe computers whereas on
minicomputers at most only fifty people can work.
4. Super Computers: - Super Computers are more
expensive than mini and mainframe computers. These computers are used for scientific
purposes, for weather forecasting or for geographical discovery.
How to prepare the table for converting binary to
The format of Binary – ()2
The format of Octal – ()8
We need three columns and 8 rows to prepare the table
because, when we divide the 8 by 2 by gets its properties as 23
means -2 x 2 x 2 = 8. There, the format of table will be like this –
8/2 = 4 /2 = 2/2 = 1
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
the following Octal to Binary -
Examples: -
(571)8 = (101111001)2
(455)8 = (100101101)2
(255.7)8 = (010101101.111)2
the following Binary to Octal -
Examples: -
= (253)8
(10011)2 = (23)8
(10.11)2 = (2.6)8
Conversion of Binary into Hexa-Decimal and vise-versa
24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 =
Note: -
Power means the total number of columns and 16 means
the total numbers of rows. Therefore, the table format will be as below –
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
A |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
B |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
C |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
D |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
E |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
F |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
the following Hexa-Decimal to Binary -
Examples: -
(61)16 = (01100001)2
(8A.D)16 = (10001010.1101)2
the following Binary to Hexa-Decimal -
Examples: -
= (2D)16
Conversion of Octal into Hexa-Decimal
and Vise-versa
Conversion of Hexa-Decimal into Octal
the following into Octal to Hexa-Decimal -
Examples: -
(76.1)8 = ()16
Steps: -
First Change it into Binary –
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
(111110.001)2 =
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
A |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
B |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
C |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
D |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
E |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
F |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
(7A.C)16 = (01111010.1100)2 = (172.60)8
How to operate the different application software or
programs on computer?
There are two types of application softwares or programs available on
computer system –
Preloaded and
External Loaded.
Preloaded Application Programs: - Programs which are auto-loaded with
operating system are known as Pre-loaded Application Programs.
Notepad (Version 2022)
Notepad: - Notepad is a common or general writing application
program in which we can type anything, but we cannot modify the text in a broad
way. It also works as a word-processor program. Notepad is also basically used for the coding-editor
for HTML programming for Website creation.
How to open it?
Steps: - Press the Window Key – Type ‘notepad’
in the search box – and press the ‘Enter’ button.
Assignment –
A quick brown fox jumps over the sleeping lazy
dog. – Type this line 50 times in Notepad program. Note – Don’t save it.
Details of Notepad
When we open the Notepad, we get the following parts itself. They are as
follows –
Title Bar – The top part the of the Notepad where we get its
file name is called the Title Bar. It shows its file what we save or saved but
before saving the file it shows the default name – ‘Untitled – Notepad’
There are three buttons at the right side of
the Title Bar. These are –
Minimize Button (-)
Restore Button which in rectangular shape (
Close Button (X)
Note: -
Minimize Button is used to shrink the open window move
to the Task Bar. The short-cut to minimize any opened window we use – (Window
Key + M) and restore the same window we use (Window Key + Shift + M)
Assignment –
Type any three paragraphs which contains at
least five sentence.