


1.       What is your name?

Ans:-my name is Sapna Kumari

2.       What is your father’s name?

Ans:-my fathers name is Pramod Kumar

3.       How is your study?


4.       How are you?

Ans:-I am fine

5.       How old are you?


6.       What is your date of birth?


7.       How are your parents?

Ans:-Business man

8.       How many members are there in your family?

Ans:-There are six members in my family

9.       Who is the head of your family?


10.   Where do you live at?


11.   Where is your native place?


12.   What is your favourite subject and why?


13.   Why is the rose favourite of all?


14.   How many days are there in a week?

Ans:-There are 7 Day's in a week

15.   How many rooms are there in your house?

Ans:-2 Room's

16.   Is there temple in front of your house?

Ans:-Goshala Mandir

17.   Is there hospital in your ara?

Ans:-Government Hospital

18.   At what time do you get up in the morning?


19.   When do you go out for a walk?

Ans:-5;30 AM

20.   When do you go to attend your tuition?

Ans:-3 pm 

21.   When do have your breakfast?

Ans:-6;30 am

22.   When do you return from your tuition?

Ans:- 4 pm

23.   When do you have your lunch?

Ans:- 1 pm 

24.   When do you go to bed at night?

Ans:-9 pm

What month does come after March

Ans:- April


मैं दुखी  हूँ। 

I am sad. 

मैं पागल हूंँ।

I am  made. 

मैं चालाक हूँ।

I am clever.

 à¤¤ुम बुद्धिमान हो ।

You are wise. 

आपलोग मेहनती हैं।

You are laborious. 

 à¤¤ुम लोग बेईमान हो ।

You are dishonest. 

आप  हैं ।

You are brave. 

हमलोग अमीर हैं ।

We are rich. 

हमलोग दयालु हैं ।

We are kind. 

राम तेज है। 

Ram is intelligent. 

श्याम उदास है ।

Shyam is sad. 

वह मोटा है ।

He is fat. 

वह दुबला है ।

He is thin. 

वह दुबली है। 

She is thin. 

 à¤µà¤¹ दुखी है ।

He is sad. 

ललन मजबूत है ।

Lalan is strong. 

वह (निजीव) कड़ा है।

It is hard. 

राम और सीता  अमीर हैं ।

Ram and sita are rich.

बच्चे उदास हैं।

The Children are sad. 

वे लोग स्वस्थ हैं।

They are healthy. 

वे लोग भूखे हैं ।

They are hungry. 

तुम पागल हो ।

You are mad. 

वह पागल है ।

He is mad. 

सीता सुंदर है ।

Sita is beautiful. 

राम दयालु है ।

Ram is kind. 

लड़के अच्छे हैं। 

Boys are good.  

मोहन डरपोक है। 

Mohan is  timid. 

 à¤®ेरा भाई चालाक है। 

My brother is clever. 

सीता कमजोर है ।

Sits is weak. 

वह दुष्ट है। 

He is wicked. 

वे  क्रूर हैं। 

He is cruel. 

तुम और मैं भूखा हूँ।

You and I are hungry. 

राम और मैं पसन्न हूं।

Ram and I are happy. 

 à¤¤ुम और सीता अमीर हो।

You and Sita are rich. 

 à¤°ाम  और श्याम  तेज हैं।  

Ram and Shyam are intelligent. 

वे लोग मजबूत और मेहनती हैं।

They are strong and laborious. 

ललन  और मदन बहादुर और तेज हैं।

lalan  and Madan are brave and intelligent. 

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