




‘Web Designing’ is the process of creating web pages. Web pages are created for Internet. For this we have several techniques to create the web pages. Among them we take the means of programming and some new application software to modify the web pages. Traditionally, we use ‘HTML’ to create the website. ‘HTML’ stands for – ‘Hypertext Markup Language’. It is a documentation language to mark the headings, title, table and forms.

History of ‘HTML’

IBM wanted to set a documentation system in which they could mark the title, headings, paragraphs and font type selections in the year of 1980. They came out with a set of mark-up system called it General Markup Language (GML). In 1986, ISO (International Standardizing Organization) took up this concept and standardized it as Standard Generalized Mark UP Language (SGML). In 1989 Tim Berners Lee and his team in the European Laboratory for Particle Physics designed the present form of the documentation language and called it HTML.


Generally, ‘HTML’ programming depends on different tags (< Less , > greater sign). Such as:- <html>, <title> etc.

When a web page is to be developed, the following are to be planned:

·      Content of page.

·      Appearance of the page.


·      A tag is enclosed between < and > symbols.

·      Most of the tags start with <html> and it must be ended with </html> but some of them are written without its ending point. Such as :- <hr>, <p>

·      HTML programming is basically used in notepad but we have also some html editors in which we code its programming.

·      The <HTML> TAG:-Actually, this tag denotes or through this we identify its platform that we are using html programming or the code is used with html codes.

·      <head> Tag:- This tag is used for controlling all the tags used in the programming.

·      <title> tag:- This tag is used to show the title in the browser display.

·      Note: - 

o  <html>, <head>, <title> must have the ending tags means we must close these tags using (/) slash. Such as:- </html>,</head>,</title>

·      <P> Tag:- This tag is used for paragraph. Generally, this tag is used without ending tag, when there is no defining behavior point under the tag. But, when we use behavior within the tag we use ending tag with it.

Assignment –

Write a program for a letter format.

Note: -

&nbsp; - This command is used to leave the space. For this, type this command before the word to leave the space. Multiply this command if you have to leave more space by using copy and paste command.

Assignment –

Write a program for application format. Use paragraph tag with alignment and space command.

In this add a marquee for “Don’t read this application. This is for official use” at the end of body.

Alignment:= ‘Alignment’ has been originated from the verb – ‘To align’ means – ‘To carry one place to another’/’to move’. Alignments can be used for various directions but generally, we use the following directions. Such as:- Align = “Right”, Align = “Left”, Align = “Center”. Basically, this is used with <font> tag. Example:-

<Font align= “Center”> The Computer Programming</Font>

<Font> Tag:- This tag is used for text editing. It is also starts with beginning and close tag.



Attributes of font tag

Attributes refer to the effect used with any HTML tags.

In the <font> tag we can use the following attributes.

Size = ‘Size’ attribute is used to set the size of text which is used encloser of <font> tag. The smallest size of text is 1 and the biggest size of the text is 7.

Face: - This attribute is used for setting of the face of used text. Such as:- Arial, Times New Roman, Georgia, Lucida Handwriting, Impact, Script MT Bold

Color:- This attribute is used for setting the face color of the used text. There are two types of color settings: - a.  Color Name Such as:- Font color= “Red”/ “Green”. B. Hexadecimal Value. Such:- “#fffff”

Styles of Text

We use different styles for the text in html programming. They are as follows:-

<b> Tag:- This tag is used for making the text in bold style.

<I> Tag:- This tag is used for making the text in italic style.

<u> Tag:- This tag is used for making the text in underline style.

<Strike> tag:- This tag is used for strikethrough text means by using this tag we can make line through the middle of the text.

<strike>ETC</strike> output = ETC

<Sup> tag:- This tag is used for super script. Such as:-



a<sup>2</sup> = Output = a2

<sub> tag:- This tag is used for subscript.

H2SO4 =


Assignment –

Print the squares of the numbers 1 - 20. Each number should be on a separate line, next to it the number 2 superscripted, an equal sign and the result. (Example: 102 = 100)

Output =

12 = 1
22 = 4
32 = 9
42 = 16
52 = 25
62 = 36
72 = 49
82 = 64
92 = 81
102 = 100
112 = 121
122 = 144
132 = 169
142 = 196
152 = 225
162 = 256
172 = 289
182 = 324
192 = 361
202 = 400

Assignment –

Write a program to print some molecular formulae from chemistry.

Note:- All the text style text must be started with beginning tag and will be closed with ending tag.

<big> Tag:- This tag is also used to show the text in bigger mode.


<Small> Tag:- This tag is used to show the text in smaller mode.


Details of body tag = <Body>……………</body>

Body tag is an important tag of the HTML programming because it is the tag which is especially focus on the web browser. The entire content of the web pages is placed in the page’s <body> element.

Start tag/End Tag.

The following tags can be attached with body tags which are as follows:-

Background Color = Bgcolor – This is used to make color the background. It will set as - <body bgcolor= “Red”>……………</body>

Margin :- There are four types of margins are used -
Left, Right, Top, Bottom.

Leftmargin :- It is used to align left the contained of body.

Rightmargin:- It is used to align right the contained of body.

Topmargin:- It is used to align top the contained of body.

Bottommargin:- It is used to align bottom the contained to body.






·    The <head> tag

·      The <head> tag is what actually begins the head section of an HTML document. The head section of an HTML document contains several tags that specify important information about the webpage such as title, keywords and descriptions (for search engines), location of stylesheets, scripts, and more.

·      Example:

·      <html> <head> <!-- tags that specify important information about the page here --> </head> <body> <!-- page content here --> </body> </html>

·    The <font> tag

With the <font> tag you can set the size, color, and font of text.

Attributes of the <font> tag

  • size - Takes a numerical value (1 (smallest) - 7 (biggest)) specifying the size of the text.
  • face - Specifies the font of the text. Many possible values including Times New Roman, Georgia, and Courier New.
  • color - Specifies the color of the text with a color name, hexadecimal value, or RGB value.


<font size="5">Text in font size 5</font> <font size="4" face="Georgia" color="green">Green text in a font size 4 in a Georgia font</font> <font size="2" face="Arial" color="gray">Small gray arial text</font>


Text in font size 5 Green text in a font size 4 in a Georgia font Small gray arial text

The <font> tag is deprecated. CSS should be used instead.

The <basefont> tag

The <basefont> tag can be used to specify a general appearance for text on a webpage. It should be placed right after the <body> tag.

NOTE: The <basefont> tag has the same attributes as the <font> tag.


<html> <head> <title>Basefont</title> </head> <body> <basefont size="5" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color="blue" /> This text will be in a size of 5, have a Verdana font, and will be blue </body> </html>


This text will be in a size 5, have a Verdana font, and will be blue

NOTE: If you specify a list of fonts with the face attribute like in the above example, the visitor's web browser will use the first font in the list that is available on the visitor's computer. Meaning, if someone is viewing a webpage and their computer does not support the first font you specify, the browser will try the second font and so on until it gets to a font that is supported. This applies to the <basefont> tag as well as the <font> tag.

·      Paragraph Tag = <p>………………………..</p>

o  This tag is used to break the line of paragraph.

·      <br> Tag – This tag is used to give the line break without giving space.

·      Bold Tag - <b>…………..</b> - This tag is used to make bold the text.

·      Italic Tag - <i> …………..</i> - This tag is used to make italic the text.

·      Underline Tag - <u>……….</u> - This tag is used to make underline the text.

·      Strike Tag - <strike>…………..</strike> - This tag is used for strike through.

·      Small Tag - <small>………………………..</small> - This tag is used for smaller font.

·      Big Tag - <big>……………………………</big> - This tag is used for bigger font.

·      Sup Tag - <sup>…………………………………….</sup> - This tag is used for superscript.

·      Sub Tag - <sub>…………………………………….</sub> - This tag is used for subscript.      

Emphasizing Text:- <em> This tag is used to emphasizing the text and to render it as italic.


Assignment –



<title> Assignment for Emphasising</title>


It is said that <em>honesty appears to defeated at the beginning but it conquers on dishonesty.</em>




Strong Tag:- This is used as we use <em> but it will display with strong and bold emphasizing text.


Assignment for Strong tag –



<title> Assignment for Strong tag.</title>



<font><center>The Life of William Shakespeare</center></font>



There is no name like William Shakespeare in the world’s history. <strong> He is not only for his country but for all the countries, he is not for his age but for all the ages.</strong>

< /h2>




Details of Marquee

Sometimes, we have to set the text in scrolling style for different direction. For this we don’t have to choose the default option always, we give our own settings. For our own settings we require to understand its following different options which are as follows : - Its different options are known as attributes

·      Behavior- Behavior means to set the text how it moves on the screen.

o  Scroll – (The default, text scrolls across the marquee)

o  Slide – (Texts enters from one side and stops at the other side)

o  Alternate- (Text seems to bounce from one side to the other.)

·      Align – Top, Middle (Center), Bottom.

·      Bgcolor – We can change the background under the setting of marquee.

·      DIR:- It gives the direction of directionally neutral text.

o  LTR – Left-to-Right.

o  RTL- Right- to-Left

·      Direction:- It is set for the direction the text that should scroll.

o  Left (Default)

o  Right.

o  Down.

o  Up

·      Listing:- Generally, listing is used for bullets and numbering. For this we use several types of numbers and bullets for indicating the special sentences or text. We use the following tag to use listing in HTML Programming. These are also known as order list in HTML Programming. Tags are as follows:-

o  Order Listing = <OL> tag – This tag is used for – Order Listing. Such as:-

§  <OL Type = 1, A, I, i……..>

·      <li>……

·      <li>…….

·      <li>….

§  </OL>

o  Unordered Listing = <UL> - This Tag is used for Unordered Listing. Such as:- Disc, Circle, Square

§  <UL Type= “Circle”/ “Disc” / “Square”>

·      <li>……

·      <li>…….

·      <li>….

§  </UL>

Assignment –

Write a program  to display a notice board in html programming in which apply order and unordered listing tags.


Create a sample paper of any question in html programming.

Assignment –

Choose a program from the English Newspaper in order or unordered lists have been used.

Assignment –

Revise all the taught tags and old assignment.


Image Insert in HTML programming

Image Inserting is one of the most important parts of web programing. In current web developing, generally we use photo shop to modify the format of picture. Without a correct format we cannot insert the picture through HTML programming. For a common concept we use ‘jpg’ file as a picture insert. How to make ‘jpg’ file by the help of any ‘Photoshop’ or ‘CorelDraw’? Open any photo in ‘Photoshop’ or in ‘CorelDraw’ – Click on ‘Save As’ – Click on ‘Format’ option – Select ‘jpg’ and click  on ‘Ok’.

Syntax for picture inserting:-

<img src= “// ………………” />

The <img> tag has several attributes to inform the source. The following are the main attributes of it:-

·      Src

·      Height

·      Width

·      Align

·      Alt





What is an entity?

An entity is a symbol that is displayed on a webpage such as the copyright symbol ( © ), the trademark symbol (), and the ampersand symbol (&). Each entity is displayed using a special code.

Entity construction

Now that you what entities are how do you go displaying them?

An HTML entity code has three parts:

  • An ampersand ( & )
  • An entity name or a # sign and an entity number
  • A semicolon ( ; )

For example, to display a greater than sign on a webpage, we would write &gt; or &#62;

Here is a greater than sign - &gt;
Here it is again - &#62;


Here is a greater than sign - > Here it is again - >

NOTE: While you can use names or numbers for character entities, it is better to use names because they are easier to remember.

NOTE: Entities are case sensitive!

Common entities

There are many entities you can use; the ones below are very commonly used.

Common character entities and what they will display:

Common entities

Entity Name

Entity Number









less than sign




greater than sign








quotation mark








copyright symbol




trademark symbol




multiplication symbol




division symbol




Introduction of Tables

Tables are probably the most helpful tool in HTML when you are trying to change the layout of a page or trying to make a page look exactly as you want it (which can be very difficult). However, tables can be one of the most complicated parts of HTML, so we'll start simple and get complex.

While we are using tables, remember that table can be of any size, from the size of the whole page, to just enough for a word to fit into it. Using tables effectively will allow you to be able to put things exactly where you want them.

Our First Table
<table>.........................................</table> is the basic table tag. <tr>...</tr> is used to set a row in the table. <td>...</td> is used to define the data inside each cell from left to right. (note: the tag <!--...--> is a comment and is not shown when viewed through a browser.)

<table border="1">
<tr> <!--start row 1-->
<td>Cell 1, Row 1</td>
<td>Cell 2, Row 1</td>
<td>Cell 3, Row 1</td>
</tr> <!--end row 1-->
<tr> <!--start row 2-->
<td>Cell 1, Row 2</td>
<td>Cell 2, Row 2</td>
<td>Cell 3, Row 2</td>
</tr> <!--end row 2-->

You should get the following table:

Cell 1, Row 1

Cell 2, Row 1

Cell 3, Row 1

Cell 1, Row 2

Cell 2, Row 2

Cell 3, Row 2

Setting the border to 0 is a great way to use tables to format text and pictures without being noticeable.

Table Attributes



Width of the table, either in percent (ex. 90%) or pixels (ex. 500)


Width in pixels of a border around the table


Spacing between individual cells


Spacing inside cells between data and the edge of the cell


Sets alignment (left, right, center, justify)


Sets background color of table


Sets the border color 
(only works on some browsers)


Sets border highlight color 
(only works on some browsers)


Sets the border shadow color 
(only works on some browsers)

<TR> = Table Row


Horizontally aligns the contents of the cells inside the row (left, center, right, justify)


Vertically aligns the contents of the cells inside the row (top, middle, bottom)
(only works on some browsers)


Background color of the row

<TD> = Table Data (cell)


Width of the cell, either in percent (ex. 90%) or pixels (ex. 500)


Background color of the cell.
(only works on some browsers)


The number of rows spanned by a cell


The number of columns spanned by a cell


Horizontally aligns the contents of the cell (left, center, right, justify)


Vertically aligns the contents of the cell (top, middle, bottom) 
(only works on some browsers)

Cell Spanning
The rowspan and colspan attributes are complicated but useful tools which are important to understand. Let’s say we want to make a table that looks like this:







The code for this table is as follows:

<table border="1">
<tr> <!--start row 1-->
<td colspan="3">Title</td>
<!--"Title" cell will span 3 columns-->
</tr> <!--end row 1-->
<tr> <!--start row 2-->
<td rowspan="2">Left</td>
<!--"Left" cell will span 2 rows-->
<td>A</td> <!--row 2, col 2-->
<td>B</td> <!--row 2, col 3-->
</tr> <!--end row 2-->
<tr> <!--start row 3-->
<!--skip col 1 of row 3, it is defined when we used rowspan!-->
<td>C</td> <!--row 3, col  2-->
<td>D</td> <!--row 3, col 3-->
</tr> <!--end row 3-->

You can make this table even more complicated by adding in background colors, alignments, and widths.

HTML allows tables (and many other things) to be embedded inside of each other! You have to keep your HTML logically organized and pretty to make this work, or you will be easily confused. Here is an example of the tables and then the code: (Note: Here I use &nbsp;. This stands for nothing. :-) Literally nothing, or a non-breaking space. If you leave a cell blank don't use &nbsp; you might get undesired results! Try it yourself.)













<table width="75%" border="4" cellspacing="0">
    <table align="center" width="90%"
    border="1" bordercolor="#FF00FF">

Note that the inside table has a width of 90% but does not take up 90% of the screen. The inside table uses 90% of the space it has available, not total space of the screen. Remember that you can put anything inside a table, text, pictures, or links.


If you are taking HTML seriously, you might want to read this note.  Otherwise skip down to the bottom of this page.  There is a quirk in Netscape Navigator (I'm not sure if it is in the new Navigator 6).  At the very beginning of this tour, we discussed how the layout of your HTML doesn't effect the appearance seen in a browser.  This quirk is the one exception to that rule.  This problem only happens when you put an image inside a table.  Using the following code might give you some problems:

    <IMG SRC="picture.jpg">

Depending on how you are using your table, you might not experience problems, but if you are trying to place pictures exactly how you want them, you will need to change  your code to:

<TD><IMG SRC="picture.jpg"></TD>

I imagine that this problem occurs is because white space (or returns) are often interpreted as spaces (you can't have one continuous word stretch across two lines of HTML, when the word starts on the next line, a space will be inserted).  So if you use the first example of HTML shown here, you might encounter some spacing problems.  This problem is often run into by amateurs and they write it off as "Netscape being dumb" when in fact the quirk is justified in a way.  I just thought I would pass this word onto you, this quirk (when I forget about it) has often made me wonder for hours what was going on.

Table setup

A table is created using the <table> tag and a closing </table> tag. A table consists of rows and columns.

Attributes of the <table> tag

  • border - takes a numeric value denoting the thickness of the border around the table.
  • cellspacing - takes a numeric value denoting how much space to put between cells.
  • cellpadding - takes a numeric value denoting how much padding to put between what is in the cells and the cell walls.

Table setup:

<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <!-- table content goes here --> </table>

Table rows

Table rows are created using the <tr> tag which should go inside the <table> tag. Use an opening <tr> tag and its closing tag </tr> for every row in the table.

Adding rows to the table:

<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> </table>

Table cells

Table cells are created using the <td> tag which should go inside the <tr> tag. Use an opening <td> tag and its closing tag </td> for every cell in the table.

Adding cells to the table:

<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table>

Adding content to the table

Now that we have a structure for our table, we can add some content to it. The content of a table is placed inside the table's cells..so inside the <td> tags in the table.

Adding content to the table:

<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td>First row, first column</td> <td>First row, second column</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>Javascript</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CSS</td> <td>PHP</td> </tr> </table>

What the table will look like:

First row, first column

First row, second column





Read our HTML table concepts tutorial for much more info on working with tables.

There is alot you can do with tables. You can add headings & captions to tables, male cells span multiple rows & columns, align the content within cells, and more.

This tutorial focuses on:

  • Empty cells
  • Headings
  • Captions
  • Cellspacing & Cellpadding
  • Spanning multiple/rows columns
  • Aligning table content

Empty cells

Sometimes you may not need to place content inside of a table cell, instead you just need the cell to be there. But a table cell may not appear unless it has content inside of it.

You can include empty cells in a table by placing the &nbsp; character entity inside a table cell. This way a table cell technically has something inside of it (just a space character) but it's not visible and the table cell will appear empty on a webpage.

Empty table cell:

<table border="2"> <tr> <td>Four cells in this table</td> <td>One is empty</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Three are filled</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table>


Four cells in this table

One is empty

Three are filled



You can display headings in a table using the <th> tag. A heading is an emphasized cell in a table. Such an emphasis in tables can be important depending on your situation. Use the <th> tag just like the <td> tag.

Table headings:

<table border="2"> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHP</td> <td>Fortran</td> </tr> </table>


Web development

Software development






A caption is added to a table using the <caption> tag which should be placed right below the <table> tag before the first <tr> tag.

Table caption:

<table border="2"> <caption>Computer languages</caption> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHP</td> <td>Fortran</td> </tr> </table>


Computer languages

Web development

Software development





Cellspacing & Cellpadding

By default, the cells of a table look really stuffy and smashed together. To fix this, the cellspacing and cellpadding properties are used.

The cellspacing property takes a numeric value denoting how much space to put between cells. The cellpadding property takes a numeric value denoting how much padding is required between what is in the cells and the cell walls.

Using only cellspacing:

<table border="2" cellspacing="14"> <caption>Computer languages</caption> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHP</td> <td>Fortran</td> </tr> </table>


Computer languages

Web development

Software development





Using only cellpadding:

<table border="2" cellpadding="14"> <caption>Computer languages</caption> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHP</td> <td>Fortran</td> </tr> </table>


Computer languages

Web development

Software development





Spanning multiple/rows columns

Table column spanning

Why should all rows have the same number of columns in a table? There may be situations where you need a cell or cells to span more than one column. This is achieved using the colspan attribute of the <td> tag. The colspan attribute takes a numeric value indicating how many columns a cell should span.


<table border="2" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="10" width="80%" align="center"> <caption>Web Languages</caption> <tr> <th width="40%" align="center">Client-side</th> <td align="center">HTML</td> <td align="center">CSS</td> <td align="center">Javascript</td> </tr> <tr> <th align="center">Server-side</th> <td align="center">ColdFusion</td> <td align="center" colspan="2">PHP</td> </tr> </table>


Web Languages








Table row spanning

If a cell can span more than one column, why can't it span more than one row?

You can make a cell span more than one row using the rowspan attribute of the <td> tag. The rowspan attribute takes a numeric value indicating how many rows it should span.


<table border="2" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="10" width="90%" align="center"> <caption>Computer Languages</caption> <tr> <th align="center" rowspan="2">Web languages</th> <td align="center">HTML</td> <td align="center">CSS</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Javascript</td> <td align="center">PHP</td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <th align="center" rowspan="2">Software languages</th> <td align="center">C</td> <td align="center">C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">FORTRAN</td> <td align="center">Visual Basic</td> </tr> <tr> </table>


Computer Languages

Web languages











Software languages





Visual Basic


Aligning table content

You can align table content using the align attribute inside the <td> tag. This attribute can take the values "left" to align content to the left, "center" to align content to the center, or "right" to align content to the right.

Aligning table content:

<table border="2"> <caption>Computer languages</caption> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">HTML</td> <td align="center">C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">PHP</td> <td align="right">Fortran</td> </tr> </table>


Computer languages

Web development

Software development





Aligning the table itself

Just as you can set the alignment of table content, you can set the alignment of the table itself. This is done the same way as setting the alignment of table content.

<table border="2" align="right"> <caption>Computer languages</caption> <tr> <th>Web development</th> <th>Software development</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>C++</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PHP</td> <td>Fortran</td> </tr> </table>

Computer languages

Web development

Software development








A ‘navigation bar’ is a set of hyperlinks that connect to the major pages of our Web site. A navigation bar should contain links to the most important sections of the Web site, plus a link to the Home page.

HTML Definition Lists

HTML and XHTML support a list style which is called definition lists where entries are listed like in a dictionary or encyclopedia. The definition list is the ideal way to present a glossary, list of terms, or other name/value list.

Definition List makes use of following three tags.

<dl> - Defines the start of the list

<dt> - A term

<dd> - Term definition

</dl> - Defines the end of the list




<title>HTML Definition List</title>




<dd>This stands for Hyper Text Markup Language</dd>


<dd>This stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol</dd>





HTML Text Links

A webpage can contains various links that take you directly to other pages and even specific parts of a given page. These links are known as hyperlinks.

Hyperlinks allow visitors to navigate between Web sites by clicking on words, phrases, and images. Thus you can create hyperlinks using text or images available on a webpage.

Linking Documents

A link is specified using HTML tag <a>. This tag is called anchor tag and anything between the opening <a> tag and the closing </a> tag becomes part of the link and a user can click that part to reach to the linked document. Following is the simple syntax to use <a> tag.

<a href="Document URL" ... attributes-list>Link Text</a>


Let's try following example which links http://www.tutorialspoint

How to convert Word File into HTML file?

Step:-  Click on File Menu – Click on Export  - Click on Change File Type – Click on Single File Web Page – Click on Save As – Type File  Name and Click on Ok.


Working with Frames

The HTML tags that divide a browser screen into two or more HTML recognizable unique regions which are tagged with <FRAMESET>……….</FRAMESET>. This each unique region is called a frame. Each frame can be loaded with a different document and allow multiple HTML document to be seen currently.

       The HTML frame is a powerful feature that enables a web page to be broken into different unique sections that, although related, operated independently of each other. The <FRAMESET> and </FRMESET> tags require one of the following two attributes depending on whether the screen has to be divided into rows or columns.


ROWS:-        This attributes is used to divide the screen into multiple rows. It can be set equal to a list of values. It depends on the required size of each row. The value can be – A number of pixels, Expressed as a percentage of the screen resolution, The symbol *, which indicates the remaining space.

COLUMNS:-  (COLS) – This attribute is used to divide the screen into multiple columns. It can be set equal to a list of values. It also depends on the required size of each column. Its value also be same we use for rows.

For examples:-




<FRAMESET Cols = 30%, 70%>






Disadvantages of Frames

There are few drawbacks with using frames, so it’s never recommended to use frames in your webpages:

 Some smaller devices cannot cope with frames often because their screen is not big enough to be divided up.

 Sometimes your page will be displayed differently on different computers due to different screen resolution.

 The browser's back button might not work as the user hopes.

 There are still few browsers that do not support frame technology.


Creating Frames

To use frames on a page we use <frameset> tag instead of <body> tag. The <frameset> tag defines how to divide the window into frames. The rows attribute of <frameset> tag defines horizontal frames and cols attribute defines vertical frames. Each frame is indicated by <frame> tag and it defines which HTML document shall open into the frame.

The <frameset> Tag Attributes

Following are important attributes of the <frameset> tag: Attribute



specifies how many columns are contained in the frameset and the size of each column. You can specify the width of each column in one of four ways:

 Absolute values in pixels. For example to create three vertical frames, use cols="100, 500,100".

 A percentage of the browser window. For example to create three vertical frames, use cols="10%, 80%,10%".

 Using a wildcard symbol. For example to create three vertical frames, use cols="10%, *,10%". In this case wildcard takes remainder of the window.

 As relative widths of the browser window. For example to create three vertical frames, use cols="3*,2*,1*". This is an alternative to percentages. You can use relative widths of the browser window. Here the window is divided into sixths: the first column takes up half of the window, the second takes one third, and the third takes one sixth.



This attribute works just like the cols attribute and takes the same values, but it is used to specify the rows in the frameset.



Border:- Border attribute is used for border setting for frame. The value is enter from ‘1’ to ‘5’. The value ‘0’ shows no border for the frame.

Frameborder:- This attribute is for third dimensional border (3D). The value is enter from‘1’ to ‘5’.

Framespacing:- This attribute is used for giving the spacing between frames. It also accept the integer value such as:- “10”, “15”, “5” etc.

Name:- By using this attribute we put the name of frame in the frameset.

Src:- By using this attribute we can put the source for html document for the particular frame.

Marginwidth:- This attribute is used for leaving the margins in widthwise for the frames used on the webpage.

Marginheight:- By using this attribute we can modify the margins accordance with heightwise.


Use the command given below for supporting or not supporting frameset tag to a particular browser –


This browser does not support frameset tag.



Form Designing in HTML programming language

Forms are require to collect some data from the side of site visitors. Such as:- Bio data, Review, Mail, or other details for back-end use.

     A form requires input data from the side of visitors to send the necessary or important details to the back-end of the particular site. The back-end application will perform required processing on the passed data based on defined business logic inside the application.

There are various form elements available like text fields, text area fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.

The HTML <form> tag is used to create an HTML form and it has following syntax:

<form action="Script URL" method="GET|POST">

form elements like input, textarea etc.


Assignment –



<title>Normal Formal Desigining</title>


<center><b><u>Fill Your Details as given below </center></b></u> <p>


First Name : <input type="text" name="first_name"/>

Middle Name : <input type="text" name="middel_name"/>

Last Name : <input type="text" name="last_name"/>





Assignment –

Create form for the following thing as given below:-

Fill up your enquiry form:-

Applicant Name-

Father’s Name-







AT –

PO –


PS –






In HTML, we use different types of ‘Form Controls which are as follows:-

·         Text Input Control

·         Checkboxes Control

·         Radio Box Control

·         Select Box Control

·         File Select Control

·         Hidden Control

·         Clickable Button

·         Submit Button and

·         Reset Button

All the above controls are created through ‘Form Tags’ in ‘html programming.

Details of All the above Controls

·         Text Input Control – In this we use three types of text input controls –

o    Single-line text input controls – This control is used for the item that requires only one line user input. As for example:-<input type= “text” name= “First _name”/> etc

o    Attributes for ‘Input Tag’.


Indicates the type of input control and for text input control it will be set to text.


Used to give a name to the control which is sent to the server to be recognized and get the value.


This can be used to provide an initial value inside the control.


Allows to specify the width of the text-input control in terms of characters.


Allows to specify the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the text box.


·         Password Input Controls:- This is also a single line input control which is used for creating a password. Syntax:-

By the following example we can easily understands the password input control –



<title>Password Input Control</title>



<form >

User ID : <input type="text" name="user_id" />


Password: <input type="password" name="password" />





Multiple-line text input control:- This option is used when we input more than one lines. Multiple-line control is used by html <textarea> tag. Try the given below for multiple line-



<title>Multiple-Line Input Control</title>




Description : <br />

<textarea rows="5" cols="50" name="description">

Enter description here...





Checkbox Control:- Check Boxes are used when we have to choose more than one option. In ‘HTML’ programming we used <input> to modify this option. To follow the example given below to command this option:-



<title>Checkbox Control</title>




<input type="checkbox" name="maths" value="on"> Maths

<input type="checkbox" name="physics" value="on"> Physics




Radio Button Control:- This option is used when we have choose one of the many options. In this, we also use <input> tag in html programming. We can understand this option by the example given below:-



<title>Radio Box Control</title>




<input type="radio" name="subject" value="maths"> Maths

<input type="radio" name="subject" value="physics"> Physics





Select Box Control:- This option is used for making a drop down button to select the option from the list in HTML programming. For this we use <option> tag with <form> tag. This can be understood by the example  given below:-



<title>Select Box Control</title>




<select name="dropdown">

<option value="Maths" selected>Maths</option>

<option value="Physics">Physics</option>





File Upload Box:- This option is used to upload files form the appropriate drive or location. For this, we have to create a path for file selection which is known as ‘File Upload Box’. By the help following example we can apply ‘File Upload Box’ in HTML Programming:-



<title>File Upload Option in HTML programming </title>


Upload your file from your location </p>


<input type="File" Name="fileupload" accept="image/*" />




Clickable Button in HTML Programming through form designing

In HTML Programming sometimes we have to create some clickable buttons like – Submit Button, Reset, Button, Image etc these are created by the help of <input> tag. By the following examples we can understand these programming techniques –



<title>File Upload Box</title>




<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />

<input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset" />

<input type="button" name="ok" value="OK" />

<input type="image" name="imagebutton" src="/html/images/logo.png" />









 JavaScript is also a programming language like other programming languages which is mainly %used with Web %, Pages. This language is very useful because it gives the interactivity to a web page. The previous name of JavaScript is LiveScript.

              A JavaScript is a program which is included on an HTML page. On HTML page we enclose the JavaScript program within <SCRIPT> and end it up with </SCRIPT>. When we run it with a browser, it knows that this is a program written under JavaScript it runs it to give us the result instead of just giving the text of the script. The <SCRIPT>  tag is most often found within the <HEAD> section of the HTML page, though we can, if we wish have scripts under the <BODY> section.

What we can do with JavaScript

There are lots of things which we can do with JavaScript to enhance our Web page besides making it more interactive. It allows us to have Web pages feedback by providing buttons on the Web pages. We can create forms which the users of the Web page can fill to provide us with the information needed by us. We can even do calculations on these forms using CGI. It also allows us to create new windows, display alert boxes and messages on the Web page.

Java and JavaScript

Java and JavaScript have only name in common and nothing else. They are poles apart. Java is basically a programming language which is enhancement of C++ having a distinctive feature of being able to run on various machines and operating system like Windows NT, Mac OS or even Unix.

JavaScript As Object Oriented Language

An object is some kind of a thing. A computer, a mouse, etc., are all objects to JavaScript they are all objects it deals with in Web browsers such as widows, forms and elements of the form such as buttons and check boxes.


Events are actions that the user performs while visiting our page. Submitting a form and moving a mouse over an image are two examples of events. JavaScript deals with commands called event handlers. There are many as 12 JavaScript event handlers, as listed below. An action by the user on the page triggers an event handler in your script.

Event Handlers

Event                               What it handles

OnAbort                   -      The user aborts loading the page

OnBlur -                           The user leaves the object.

OnChange              The user change the object.

OnClick                         The user clicks on an object.

OnError                    -      The script encounters an error.

OnFocus                   -      The user makes an object active.

OnLoad                     -      The object finishes loading.

OnMouseOver  -      The cursor moves over an object.

OnMouseOut    -      The cursor moves off an object.

OnSelect                   -      The user selects the contents of an object.

OnSubmit                 -      The user submits the form.

OnUnload                 -      The user leaves the window.


In JavaScript variables are used as we used in other programming language. “Variable” is a name that can be used to store values. Variables can take different values but one at a time. These values can be changed during the program execution.

       Variable names may be consisted of uppercase character, lowercase character and underscore (_). Rules for giving the name to the variable are as follows:-

1.             First letter should be a letter or underscore.

2.             The variable names cannot be a keyword.

3.             Uppercase and lowercase letters are significant.


Constant is a value that can be stored in the memory and can be changed during execution of the program. There are generally three types of constants:-

1.             Numeric Constant – Numeric Constants are numeric digits which may or may not have decimal point (.). These are the rules for defining numeric constant.

a.  Numeric Constant must have at least one digit.

b. No comma and space are allowed within the numeric constant.

c.         Numeric constants can either be positive or negative but default sign is always positive. There are two types of Numeric Constants:-

                                                           i.      Integer Constant – Integers Constants are whole numbers which has no decimal point.

                                                        ii.      Real Constant (Floating Point) – Real Constant are the numbers which hold the decimal point.

                                                    iii.      Character Constant – A character constant is a single character that is enclosed within single quote (‘…..’).

                                                     iv.      String Constant – A string constant has a zero, one or more than one character. A string constant is enclosed within double quotes (“……..”).

                                                        v.      Symbolic Constant – A symbolic constant is a name that substitutes for a sequence of characters. The character may represent a numeric constant, character constant or a string constant.

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